Sharing our foundation’s experience
In the last year of our existence, the desire to share MAVA’s experiences and learnings grew with the aim to further amplify positive impacts in the nature conservation and philanthropy sectors by sharing our lessons as a funder.
The idea behind these learning products was to reflect on and share our learnings about institution processes and ways of working at foundation level, including challenges faced in carrying our conservation actions – to inspire donor strategies and best practices. Addressing a variety of experiences from our 28-year journey, such as our reflections from being an engaged donor, our experience with organisational development partnerships, evidence-based learnings on our conservation data, or our Strategic Partnerships approach, these learning products aim for practical insights of value to the community of grant-makers as well as to the larger conservation community.
A series of learning reports and blogs are available as legacy for the philanthropic and conservation community. We hope they will inspire you.